Quality Control/Assurance (QC)
QC is performed at various stages of the dHCP analysis as listed below. The final selection of subject data to release made use of these as outlined subsequently.
After reconstruction the T2, T1, T13D, fMRI and dMRI datasets were visually inspected and scored as PASS/FAIL.
The fMRI pipeline and dMRI pipelines generate numerous quantitative QC metrics which are described on their respective pages:
All QC metrics are available in the
spreadsheet in the supplementary.
Selection Criteria
The inclusion criteria for reconstructed/raw data is:
- Scans that scored PASS on the visual recon QC are released, and also subsequently processed by the sMRI, fMRI, and dMRI pipeline.
The inclusion criteria for the sMRI pipeline outputs is:
Raw T2w must pass the recon QC.
All completed segmentations from the structural pipeline are released.
Extracted surfaces were visually inspected and only successful extractions are released.
Myelin maps are only released if the surface extraction was successful.
The inclusion criteria for fMRI pipeline outputs is:
Raw fMRI & T2w must pass the recon QC.
Preprocessed T2w must pass the sMRI pipeline QC.
All fMRI that meets the inclusion criteria is processed and released. This includes data that subsequently failed the fMRI pipeline QC. Data that failed fMRI pipeline QC is flagged in the
spreadsheet in the supplementary -
Transforms to standard space are dependent upon availability of extracted (white and pial) surfaces from sMRI pipeline.
The inclusion criteria for dMRI pipeline outputs is:
Raw dMRI & T2w must pass the recon QC.
All preprocessed dMRI is released. Data that failed dMRI pipeline/s QC is flagged in the
spreadsheet in the supplementary -
Transforms to standard space are dependent upon availability of extracted (white and pial) surfaces from sMRI pipeline.